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PEZA: M.C. No. 2024-022 Call for Nomination for the 2024 PEZA Awards


Director General

DATE: 14 May 2024


In our efforts to recognize the exemplary performance and initiatives of our locator companies and economic zone developers, we are pleased to announce the call for nominations for the annual PEZA Excellence Awards. In this year’s awarding, we will now give the awards only to the top one (1) company per category. The categories are (1) Micro/Small, (2) Medium, and (3) Large Enterprises. It also means that there will only be three (3) winners per award. Among the awards to be given are the following:

  • OUTSTANDING EXPORTERS AWARD – Given to a locator that accomplished outstanding performance in exports.

  1. Total export value
  2. Total % growth
  3. Total Net Trade Balance
  4. Good Corporate Citizen*
  • OUTSTANDING EMPLOYERS AWARD – Given to a locator that generated the most number of jobs, held high regard for the welfare of its workers, and maintained harmony between labor and management.

  1. Employment Generation & Facilitation
    a. Total employment generated (skilled and unskilled)
    b. Total % increase in employment
  2. Outstanding Employee Relations Program
    a. No labor unrest
    b. No pending labor case
    c. Established system of grievance handling/communication programs
    d. Employee development programs
  3. Outstanding Record in Enhancement of Employee Welfare
    a. Instituted health and safety measures in workplace
  4. Good Corporate Citizen*
  • OUTSTANDING COMMUNITY PROJECTS AWARD – Given to a locator or developer that has strengthened its relationship with the community through meaningful CSR projects like scholarship programs, free medical and dental services, tree planting, gift giving, or similar pro-community projects.

  1. Undertaken Community Services such as scholarship programs, free dental and medical services, tree planting, subcontracting and other endeavors
  2. Involvement in these community activities for a period of 3 years.
  3. Significant number of recipients and substantial effect of the project to the community
  4. Activities conform with legal requirements
  5. Good Corporate Citizen*
  • OUTSTANDING ENVIRONMENTAL PERFORMERS AWARD – Given to a locator or developer that has institutionalized its environmental management system, complied with environmental regulations, and fostered partnership between the government and the industry in caring for the environment while simultaneously sustaining economic growth.

  1. Has adopted and implemented an Environmental Management System (EMS) or other systems with Plan-Do-Check-Act framework in the protection of the environment
  2. Has demonstrated continued improvement in the following aspects: waste management, energy, materials or water use, air pollution prevention, preservation/restoration, water discharges, accidental release, etc.
  3. Has record of sustained compliance with environmental regulations, or has never cited a Notice of Violation (NOV) or Cease and Desist Order (CDO)
  4. Has implemented environmental projects/outreach programs Good Corporate Citizen*

HALL OF FAME – Given to three-time winners of Outstanding Exporter, Outstanding Employer, Outstanding Community Project, Outstanding Environmental Performer.

BILLIONAIRES AWARD – Given to a company that exports at least US$2.5 Billion in any given year.

PEZA GOLDEN ACHIEVEMENT AWARD – The most prestigious and most esteemed award that is given to a company that has been elevated to the Hall of Fame in all 4 categories.


Interested applicants may download the Nomination Forms from the PEZA website at under Resources > Downloads section. Applicant companies must submit their application forms to the PEZA Head Office-PPRG no later than 14 June 2024 for the Outstanding Environmental Performance Award, and 21 June 2024 for the Outstanding Exporter, Outstanding Employer, and Outstanding Community Projects Award.

For inquires, clarifications, and other concerns, you may contact the Promotions and Public Relations Group thru (02) 8551-3438 or thru


Small and medium enterprises – shall be defined as any business activity or enterprise engaged in industry, agribusiness and/or services whether single proprietorship, cooperative partnership or corporation whose total assets, inclusive of those arising from loans but exclusive of the land on which the particular business entity’s office, plant and equipment are situated, must have a value falling under the following categories: Micro – up to PhP3,000,000; Small – PhP3,000,001 – PhP15,000,000; and Medium – PhP15,000,001 – PhP100,000,000. (SMEDC Resolution No.1 Series of 2003)

Export Sales (FOB in US Dollars)* shall refer to:

a) Direct Export Revenues earned from goods owned, produced and directly exported by the PEZA registered export enterprise out of the country.
b) Constructive/Indirect Exports Revenues earned from goods owned and produced by the PEZA registered export enterprise, sold to other export- producer enterprises operating in the country. Which use these as raw materials or components in manufacturing that are subsequently exported or sold to special entities in the country (e.g. Asian Development Bank, foreign embassies, and consulates and other international organizations accredited by the Philippine Government) which are entitled to import goods and other articles tax and duty free.

Export Sales (Processing Fee)** shall refer to Revenues earned from fees charged for partial or total processing of goods owned by other export-producer enterprises under subcontracting arrangements. The revenues to be reported should be limited to the processing fees received by the PEZA-registered export enterprise, inclusive of the cost of inputs supplied by the PEZA-registered export enterprise in the processing it has undertaken, but not including cost of materials provided by the contractor enterprises.

Raw Materials** is the FOB cost of all production inputs in the manufacturing operations of the PEZA registered export enterprise which become physically incorporated as part of the export product. Raw materials can either be imported by the company or consigned.

i. Imported by the company – FOB cost of raw materials which are brought or acquired by the PEZA registered export enterprise from a foreign supplier, and which are, therefore, owned by the PEZA- registered enterprise
ii. Consignments – FOB cost of raw materials owned and supplied by overseas enterprises, usually parent and/or buyer/customer companies.

Total Net Export Earnings (Trade Balance) – total export value less value of imported raw materials.